Tigz Theatre Valentines Show Survey

Tigz Theatre’s first show of 2014 “Valentines” will be created from stories and devised elements discovered through a series of story gathering and devising workshops with members of the LGBT+ community at the London Welsh Centre throughout the winter of 2013. The project will encourage members of the LGBT+ to share their experiences of being LGBT+ focusing on Valentine’s Day and how we all celebrate love as well as providing a historical context to the changing nature of LGBT+ society over the last 100 years. With a focus on the legislative and social oppression and liberation of LGBT+ people in times and locations such as Weimar and Nazi controlled Germany, Thatcherite and modern Britain and the current rise in anti-LGBT violence in Russia and Iran the project aims to discover and discuss how love can unite, divide and ultimately heal us all.

This survey is designed to allow us to collect stories and experiences anonymously so peoples identities can be protected.


[wpsqt type=”survey” name=”Tigz Theatre Valentines Show Survey”]