Category: Camden Fringe 2014

Scratch It! Pieces selected

David Evans - March 11, 2016

After much deliberation we are finally able to reveal which pieces from “Scratch It!” have been selected for further development. These pieces are ‘An Unequal Freedom’ by Edwin Preece and ‘Loving Her’ by Stephen M Hornby ‘An Unequal Freedom’ will be developed for performance in February 2017 as part of LGBT history Month and ‘Loving… Read more

Camden Fringe

David Evans - August 5, 2014

Between the 11th and 23rd of August Tigz Theatre and the London Welsh Centre will be welcoming performers from all over the world as part of the Camden Fringe 2014. For this two week extravaganza the London Welsh Centre’s bar will be transformed into a performance space that will welcome a range of performance including… Read more