Category: Under Milk Wood

Under Milk Wood – A Managers Perspective

Jamie Robinson-Burt - October 26, 2013

As Bar Development Manager for the London Welsh Centre, the performance of Under Milk Wood was an exciting opportunity to welcome faces old and new to the bar.  Never did I imagine just how many faces there would be, nor how much Brains could be consumed by one audience! The queues at the bar were… Read more

Under Milk Wood – An Actors Perspective

Jamie Robinson-Burt -

To begin at the beginning… It had been a number of years since acting at school and university, but the desire to tread the boards once again was becoming a stronger and stronger calling.  Spotting the posters for Under Milk Wood seemed to be the perfect answer, due to my south Wales valleys roots. The… Read more

Taking part in Under Milk Wood (Ann Green – Cast Blog Post)

David Evans -

I thought I would volunteer to take part in Under Milk Wood without ever having set foot on a stage in my life, and because a friend said it would be fun. And it was – the greatest fun and a good excuse to act like a big kid at the end of a hard… Read more

Lighting for “Under Milk Wood”

Jamie Robinson-Burt - October 19, 2013

Being written originally as a radio play “Under milk wood” brings a special challenge to light as it moves scene quickly presenting us with snippets of Llareggub life. We use light in theatre to portray emotion, to move the action to different locations, times of day or state of mind. My design for “Under Milk… Read more